Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This about-me has been taken from my Facebook to be transferred to my blog, since Blogger is a Google service, and I have Google+ membership.

Army or Air Force officer career? Undecided...

If you wish to communicate with me, send a message, or ask for my number.

I am a moral, ethical, and faithful person. My contribution to this society is maintaining air power. So far, no one expects anymore types of contribution from me, except to do the best I can at my job. I can easily conform to this with an open mind.

I can analyze, question, rant, rave, think, see, do, and conform with an open mind, any can factor in to my survival. I am gentle and compassionate, but can be aggressive and blunt to get the job done, or to avoid manipulation.

I am a Christian, and that is my choice as well as God's. I will never force my faith on anyone else. We all have free will as humans. Call me irrational for believing in a deity, but this belief is "faith-based". Besides, I have no hostility towards humans.

Philosophy is my healthy indulgence. It develops with each day that passes. The Empirical part is easier to understand than the Pure part of Philosophy. But all in all, it helps me to adapt to my surroundings, provides me with an outlook on life, and keeps me wise. Thank God for the human soul, body, and mind.

I respect you as a person, being able to develop your own culture. That respect is cut in half if you are one who holds your hands over your ears to live in ignorance.
My name is Steffan. I am unique and complex in different ways, supposedly searching for something in and out of the big picture; it all depends on my motives.

I am surrounded by artificial ideas and crazy people, but I tend to lack paranoia, but I hold true to situational awareness. The point is, I usually keep to myself if I am not with friends or working.

I am enlisted in the military. In exchange for your security, I ask that you at least get to know me, before producing any inferences or judgments about what I do, or what I believe.

I find the necessity to progress; as result, I have started goals to learn different skills, inquire about different trades, and to improve my mental and physical perceptions. I find the ease in use of my mind when writing or typing, rather than speaking. I am of slow speech, so many may think of me as "less intelligent". I contain no defects, rather, I am normal, which is a blessing that allows me to excel at anything I desire to progress.

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