Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Random Rant?"

"I may blow your simple mind."
"I might astonish your unavailing mentality"
-Steffan Wuori

   In my opinion, there exists no definitive manner of progression; progression, in my [perception] perspective, is merely specified as the latter term: [perception] perspective, which is my faculty of comprehension through my own mental senses which I cannot define because I lack knowledge or theory of human psychology. Many words, although defined, remain perceptive; this is common knowledge, or to be specific, different perceptions of what words might mean remains a perspective. This perspective, in my perception, is that every person has different perceptions of different words, and progression is an example. Simply stated, people having different perceptions of every single word is my perspective. Some live by the exact defining of words, and others live by a relative perception of different words.

EDIT: To be more clear, words are utilized by humans, and contain a level of understanding of use and meaning, therefore, words are applied to "perception".

EDIT 2: or rather comprehension? Cognition? Adaptive perception?

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